See oli imeline hommik. Kuigi tean seal olevat palju madusid, peamiselt nastikuid, võtsin julguse kokku metsa minna sookurgi otsima. Pilt, mis avanes , oli üle igasuguste ootuste. Olin lootnud leida ühe pesakonna kuid neid oli seal sadu. Väikeses metsatukas oli iga puu ühe pesakonna päralt. Parasjagu käiski paremate pesapaikade hõivamine, ehitamine, paarilise leidmine ja paaritumine. Kõik valjuhäälselt. Ja nende häälitsus on suhteliselt võigas.
Lisaks ärritasin ma neid algul kuni nad harjusid mu jalgade all praksuvate oksade ja fotoaparaadi klõpsatustega.
Last Saturday morning, my father took me out of Haapsalu near Laikmaa House Museum by car to see cranes in the vicinity.
It was a wonderful morning. While I know there's a lot to be snakes mostly grass snakes, I took the courage to go to the forest to look for cranes. The image that opens, was beyond all expectations. I was hoping to find one litter but there were hundreds of them. In a small grove there was nest in the top of each tree. They were looking for the best nest sites, made the construction, tried to find the partner and were mating. All loudly. And they are uttering sounds rather sinister.
In addition to those at the beginning to irritate me until they got used to my feet and the camera clicks to the branches cracking.
Photo Gallery:
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Suuri oksi viiakse pesa valmistamiseks kohale/ The largest nest of twigs into the preparation of delivery |
Ka loodus pakkus häid pesakohti/ Nature also offered good nest sites |
Pesale maandumas justkui Nato hävituslennuk/ Landing like Nato fighter plane |