Tehes Looduse Omnibussiga matka Jussi järvedele, otsustasin õnnek ees minema hakata, ootamata ära meie reisijuhti. Mõtlsin paar pilti sillalt Soodla jõele teha. Pildistades hakkas aga silma üks liikumine. Noor mink otsustas pildile tulla. Lasi ta end hiljem lähedaltki pildistada ja alles ülejäänud seltskonna saabudes läks tagasi kust oli tulnudki.
By doing scenic hiking in Jussi lakes with Nature Omnibuss , fortunately, I decided to go ahead to start without waiting for our tour leader. I thought to take a few pictures from the bridge to the river Soodla. However, one of the eye movement when shooting began. A young mink decided to come up into the picture. He allowed me quite close to take pictures and just went back when the rest of our company arrived.
pühapäev, 26. oktoober 2014
Sügise ime/ Autumn miracle
Jalutasin ühel nädalavahetusel Tallinnas Pirita jõe ääres. Kui eelmisel korral käisin, polnud lehed veel kollased. Nüüd aga olen juba justkui hiljaks jäänud, sest suur osa puid on lehed langetanud. See aga võimaldab leida imelisi vaateid, sest igale poole pääseb ligi nagu varakevadelgi. Paks rohi ja lehtedes põõsad ei sega vaadet.
I walked at the weekend in Tallinn near Pirita river. When the last time I went, there was still the yellow leaves. Now, however, I've already sort of too late, because a large proportion of the trees have leaves sentencing. This, however, allows you to find amazing views, as each side is accessible as early in the spring. Thick grass, leaves, shrub does not interfere with the view.
I walked at the weekend in Tallinn near Pirita river. When the last time I went, there was still the yellow leaves. Now, however, I've already sort of too late, because a large proportion of the trees have leaves sentencing. This, however, allows you to find amazing views, as each side is accessible as early in the spring. Thick grass, leaves, shrub does not interfere with the view.
esmaspäev, 20. oktoober 2014
Kõnnu Suursoo rabamatk pannkookidega /Kõnnu Suursoo hike with pancakes
Laupäeval 18-oktoobril toimus Kõnnu Suursoo rabamatk pannkookidega.
Kogunesime juba enne kella 7 Kõrvemaal Pärnjärve parklas täielikus pimeduses. Kokku oli meid 11 hinge.
Umbes kella 10 kestis meie jalutuskäik koos kaameratega. Päike näitas korraks meile küll oma peegeldust pilvedes aga sellega asi piirduski. Päike varjus meie eest paksude pilvede taha. See jättis ilma eht eestipäraselt halliks. Külmakraade ka polnud ja härmatist pildistada ei õnnestunud. Ilmaga ei vedanud.
Seejärel sai aga mindud pannkooke küpsetama. Kuidas kõik toit värskes õhus nii maitsev on... Edasi toimus arutelu elu ja fotograafia teemadel ning panoraamikoolitus. Ja tagasi koduteele.
On Saturday 18 October there Kõnnu Suursoo hike with pancakes took place.
We came together before 7am to Kõrvemaa Pärnlake parking place in the full of darkness. There were 11 of us .
Around 10 o'clock took a walk with our cameras. The sun briefly showed us his reflections of the clouds as though this thing confined. The sun in the shade of thick clouds behind us. This left a gray real Estonian version. There were only plus degrees and no frost to capture. The weather did disappoint.
Then, however, was moving to bake pancakes. How all the food in the fresh air is so delicious ... Next was a discussion on the life and photography topics and panorama of training. And the return journey home.
Kogunesime juba enne kella 7 Kõrvemaal Pärnjärve parklas täielikus pimeduses. Kokku oli meid 11 hinge.
Umbes kella 10 kestis meie jalutuskäik koos kaameratega. Päike näitas korraks meile küll oma peegeldust pilvedes aga sellega asi piirduski. Päike varjus meie eest paksude pilvede taha. See jättis ilma eht eestipäraselt halliks. Külmakraade ka polnud ja härmatist pildistada ei õnnestunud. Ilmaga ei vedanud.
Seejärel sai aga mindud pannkooke küpsetama. Kuidas kõik toit värskes õhus nii maitsev on... Edasi toimus arutelu elu ja fotograafia teemadel ning panoraamikoolitus. Ja tagasi koduteele.
On Saturday 18 October there Kõnnu Suursoo hike with pancakes took place.
We came together before 7am to Kõrvemaa Pärnlake parking place in the full of darkness. There were 11 of us .
Around 10 o'clock took a walk with our cameras. The sun briefly showed us his reflections of the clouds as though this thing confined. The sun in the shade of thick clouds behind us. This left a gray real Estonian version. There were only plus degrees and no frost to capture. The weather did disappoint.
Then, however, was moving to bake pancakes. How all the food in the fresh air is so delicious ... Next was a discussion on the life and photography topics and panorama of training. And the return journey home.
teisipäev, 14. oktoober 2014
Selle sügise värv on roosa/ Color of that autumn is pink
Käisime hea sõbrannaga ühel pühapäeval Jussi järvede matkarajal. Hommik oli kaunilt udune. Kuigi päike ei tulnudki välja, olid vaated järvedele kaunid. Eriti praegu, kus kõik on nii värvirikas. Ma ei tea, kas mul on kaameras värvid paigast või ongi nii, aga pilte järelvaadates ja töödeldes pidin tunnistama: selle sügise värv on roosa.
Aga vaadake ise.
We went one Sunday a good friend Jussi Lakes trail. The morning was beautifully blurred. Although the sun never came out, had beautiful views of the lake. Especially now, when all the colors are so rich. I do not know if I have a camera color balance not correct or the colors of the place that's the case, but looking at the pictures and follow-up treatment with I had to admit: this autumn color is pink.
But see for yourself.
Aga vaadake ise.
We went one Sunday a good friend Jussi Lakes trail. The morning was beautifully blurred. Although the sun never came out, had beautiful views of the lake. Especially now, when all the colors are so rich. I do not know if I have a camera color balance not correct or the colors of the place that's the case, but looking at the pictures and follow-up treatment with I had to admit: this autumn color is pink.
But see for yourself.
laupäev, 11. oktoober 2014
Kuldne sügis/ Golden autumn
Tänavune sügis on seepärast Eestis eriline, et pole eriti öökülmasid. Üldse on erakordselt soe sügis, enamus oktoobriskuu päevadest on temperatuur üle 10 kraadi.
See on võimaldanud väljas hulkuda ja pildistada. Pildistatud Haapsalus ja Uuemõisas.
This year's autumn is therefore a special that there is no frost. This has been an exceptionally warm autumn, most days in Octobor the temperature has been above 10 degrees.
It is possible to spend lot of time outdoors and take pictures. These photos have been taken in Haapsalu and Uuemõisa.
See on võimaldanud väljas hulkuda ja pildistada. Pildistatud Haapsalus ja Uuemõisas.
This year's autumn is therefore a special that there is no frost. This has been an exceptionally warm autumn, most days in Octobor the temperature has been above 10 degrees.
It is possible to spend lot of time outdoors and take pictures. These photos have been taken in Haapsalu and Uuemõisa.
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