reede, 30. jaanuar 2015

Kassid- isemeelsed olevused/ Kassid- high-handedly creatures

Kassidest on maailmas saanud lemmikloom nr 1.
Mõne aasta tagune statistika ütleb, et Euroopas on 60 miljonit kassi ja  56 miljonit koera. Kassid on salapärased, nad ei lase meid endale ligi, kass ei räägi endast ja kassi me ei „loe” nagu koera. Kass on salapärane ja põnev.
Kassi kodustamine on saanud alguse Lähis-Idas ja mõnede allikate põhjal juba 12 000 aastat tagasi. Pikka aega peeti kassi kodustamise algusajaks 2000 aastat eKr, aga 2004. aastal avastati kassi jäänuseid Küprosel asuvast matmispaigast, mis pärineb 9000–7000 eKr vahelt. Kuna metskasse Küprosel ei olnud, pidi ta olema sinna toodud, aga vaevalt oleks keegi hakanud saarele vedama metsikut kassi. Nagu on kirjutanud Briti zooloog Desmond Morris: „Turtsuv, kriimustav, paanikas metsik kaslane oli ilmselt viimane olevus, keda nad oma paati oleksid soovinud.”

On ka andmeid, et kodukassi tunti 6000–5000 aastat eKr Jordaanias ja 2000 a eKr Lõuna-Iraagis ja muidugi 2500 a eKr Egiptuses – selle kohta on ka kõige rohkem teada. Kass kui koduloom on otseselt seotud nisu ja odra „kodustamisega”. Põlluharimine saigi kassi ja inimese tihedama koostöö aluseks, sest viljaaidad meelitasid ligi hiiri ja rotte ja need omakorda kasse kui näriliste looduslikke vaenlasi. Aga hiirte ja rottide püüdmiseks oli omal ajal ka teisigi loomi: taltsutatud aafrika metskass ja jaguarundi, Vanas Roomas tuhkur ja nirk.

Now cats has become a world first pets.
A few years ago the statistics says that in Europe there are 60 million cats and 56 million dogs. Cats are mysterious, they will not let us be close, cats are not talking about themselves and we can not "read" cats like a dog. The cat is mysterious and fascinating.
Cat Domestication has its origins in the Middle East, and in some sources as early as 12 000 years ago. For a long time it was considered the beginning of cat domestication period of 2000 years BC, but the cat was discovered in 2004, the remnants of Cyprus from a burial ground, which dates from between 9000-7000 BC. Since wild cats in Cyprus had not, he had to be brought there, but hardly anyone would have begun to pull a wild cat on the island. As a British zoologist Desmond Morris has written, "he breathed out, scratch, panic wild cat species was probably the last creature, whom they would have liked to own a boat."

There is also some evidence that domestic cats were known in Jordan, 6000-5000 BC and 2000 BC in southern Iraq in 2500 BC in Egypt, and of course - this is the most well known. Cat as a domestic animal is directly related to wheat and barley "domestication". Cultivation became the basis for closer cooperation between cat and human, as granaries attracted mice and rats, and they turn into cats as natural enemies of rodents. But for catching mice and rats was at the time the other animals: Tamed African wildcat and the Jaguarundi, in ancient Rome, ferret and the weasel.

Galerii/ Gallery:

esmaspäev, 26. jaanuar 2015

Jäätunud Ungru oja/ icy creek Ungru.

Jõulupühade ajal sai autoga ringi sõidetud ja tegime peatuse Ungru oja ääres. Ungru oja oli osaliselt jääs, lisaks oli sadanud värsket valget lund. Need kaks koos tekitavad kauneid peegeldusi jäävabal osal.

Christmas time we were driving around in a car and we made a stop by Ungru creek. Ungru creek was partially frozen over, it had rained the fresh white snow. These two together create beautiful reflections in the ice-free part.

Galerii/ Gallery:

neljapäev, 15. jaanuar 2015

Taskukoerad/ Pocket dogs

Käisin ühes kodus, kus on palju koeri ja kasse. Koerad on põhiliselt chihuauhad.Seal oli ka üks pesakond 1,5 kuiseid kutsikaid. Kui armsad!
Chihuahua on väga vana koeratõug, kelle sarnaseid koeri on jäädvustatud isegi tuhandete aastate vanustel joonistustel.
Chihuahua pärinemisest on mitmeid teooriaid – on väidetud, et nad olevat pärit Hiinast, Maltalt,
Mehhikost. Tõenäoliselt pärinevad need väikesed koerad siiski maiade, tolteekide ja asteekide
peetud pühadest koertest. Hernando Cortes hävitas asteekide kultuuri 1500 alguses, kuid siiski osa
asteeke ja nende koeri säilis.
Ameeriklased avastasid tõu uuesti 1850. aastal Chihuahua nimelisest külast Mehhikos. Oli levinud
üleüldine arvamus, et need väikesed koerad põlvnevad asteekide pühadest koertest.
Teine teooria põhineb Malta saarelt, kus chihuahuat meenutav koer leiti muumiana 3000 aastat
vanast hauast. Muumial oli pealael ainult chihuahua tõule iseloomulik molera. Sama tõestab leitud
vana (100 a e.m.a) savikuju mehest, kel oli kaks chihuahuat rihma otsas. Selle teooria põhjal on tõu
päritolu Euroopas. Seda teooriat toetab ka Sixtuse kabelis olev Boticelli maal aastast 1482, kus on
kujutatud chihuahuat meenutav koer. See on aga 10 aastat enne Kolumbuse reisi uude maailma.
Chihuahua tõugu on alati ümbritsenud saladuseloor. Usuti chihuahua võimet
parandada haigeid. Chihuahua tõugu sellisena nagu me teda praegu tunneme, võiks nimetada
peaaegu Ameerika tõuks - ameeriklased tõid palju koeri Mehhikost, Chihuahuast - ning tõug saigi
nime selle koha järgi, kus nad olid ainukesena säilinud.

I went to one of the home, with a lot of dogs and cats. Dogs are basically chihuauhas. There was also a 1.5 litter of puppies on monthly basis. How beautiful!
Chihuahua is a very old breed, which is similar to dogs, even thousands of years of recorded
aged in their drawings.
Chihuahua 'origins are several theories - is alleged to be coming from China, Malta,
Mexico. Probably derived from these small dogs, however, Mayan, Toltec and Aztec
considered sacred dogs. Hernando Cortes destroyed the Aztec culture in early 1500, but still part of the Aztecs and their dogs survived.
The Americans discovered the breed title again in 1850 in the village of Chihuahua in Mexico. There was widespread general belief that these small dogs are descended from the Aztec sacred dogs.
Another theory is based on the island of Malta, where the mummy was found in 3000 Chihuahuas dog resembling years old grave. The mummy was only the top of the head chihuahua breed characteristic molera. This proves found Old (100 BC), a clay statue of a man who had two Chihuahuas leash. This theory is based on the breed originating in Europe. This theory is also supported by painting of Boticelli in the The Sistine chapel since 1482, where is a dog resembling Chihuahuas. It is, however, 10 years before Columbus's journey to the new world.
Chihuahua breed has always been surrounded by a veil of secrecy.  It was believed chihuahua ability to heal the sick. Chihuahua breed as we know it today, could be called almost American breed - the Americans brought a lot of dogs from Mexico, Chihuahuas - and the breed became the name of the place where they were the only one survived.
