laupäev, 27. juuni 2015

Linnud/ Birds

Veetsin Jaanipäevapaiku pikemalt aega Haapsalus, Läänemaal. See on tõeline lindude paradiis.Siin on suvel palju erinevaid veelinde. Osadel lindudel on pojad juba munast koorunud ja praegu eriti armsad.Kuna ilmad olid väga heitlikud, on fotod väga erinevates ja ka ekstreemsetes valgusoludes tehtud Aga seda põnevam oli.
I spent more time around midsummer day in Haapsalu, western coast of Estonia. This is a real bird paradise .There are many different kinds of water birds in the summer time. Some birds' eggs have already hatched sons and now sons are especially cute.The weather was extremely volatile, and the photos are made in very different even in extreme lighting conditions, but it was even more exciting then.
