Olen nagu narkomaan, täiesti sõltuvuses varahommikusest rabas. Ja ma ei jää kergesti sõltuvusse. Noorena suitsetasin, et huvitavamate meestega juttu ajada ülikoolis ja tööl. Siina eriti naisi ligi ei võetud aga suitsetajana kuulusid seltskonda. Kui aga keelati tööruumides suitsetamine ja selleks pidi õue minema, loobusin vähima vaevata päevapealt. Ka alkohol on teatud eluperioodil olnud igapäevane. Olin siis abielus alkoholi maaletooja firma ühe juhiga ja seetõttu oli seda kodus vabalt. Ka polnud eluperiood kerge ja nii enne lahutamist saigiu igal õhtul regulaarselt dringitatud. Koos abieluga 17 aastat tagasi lõppes ka see.
Aga varahommikutest rabas ei tahaks kuidagi loobuda mingitel tingimustel. Ootan juba järgmist doosi....
Early Saturday morning, I went again to Seli bog. This time, there was a temperature below 0, and the air was icy cold, foggy and frosty ground. All looked as picturesque. Even with cold hands, derived from mild runny nose and a sore knee does not diminish from the emotions ...
I'm like a drug addict, totally addicted to early morning because of the bog. And I do not fall easily addicted. When I was young I used to smoke and only because the most interesting guys were smoking and it was interesting to talk with them in the university and in the workplace. If, however, when smoking inside the building was denied and we had to go out, I gave up from it immediately. Also, alcohol consumption has included in my everyday life for some time. I was married to one of the company's manager and distributor of alcohol and we had lot of alcohol at home for free. Relations were problematic in our marriage. Along with marriage also ended it 17 years ago.
But in the early morning in the bog I would not want to give up any circumstances. Waiting for the next dose
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