Jõudsin Kaplinna reedel, mil rahvas hakkas juba kogunema teatud tänavate äärde. Ega ma alguses aru ei saanudki, mis täpselt toimub. Esimene mõte oli, et toimub mingi protestiaktsioon.
Järgmisel päeval üritasin hakata minema Waterfronti, aga see oli lootusetu. Lisaks kohtusin ühe naisega nimega Laurence, kes tegi mulle pakkumise karnevali jäädvustada. Nii ma saingi teada, mis täpsemalt toimuma hakkab. Ruttasin tagasi hotelli teleobjektiivi järgi. Oodates karnevalirongkäigu algust oli huvitav kohalikega koos seda oodata ja nendega juttu ajada.
Siin pildivalik karnevalilt.
I came to Cape Town on Friday, when the people began to congregate in a certain street trees. At the beginning I could not understand what exactly is going on. The first was the idea that there is some kind of protest.
The next day I tried to go to Waterfront, but it was hopeless. In addition, I met with a woman named Laurence, who made me an offer to capture the carnival. So, I got to know exactly what was going to happen. I rushed back to the hotel by a telephoto lens. In anticipation of the start of carnival procession was interesting to talk with the locals and wait together with them.
Here are the images from the Carnival.
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