Eesmärgiks oli vaadata, milline näeb välja Eesti üks uhkemaid loodusmonumente Pakri pank nii ülalt kui alt. Sinna sõites tegime peatuse ka Türisalu joa ja Treppoja joastiku juures.
Tutvusime ka Laoküla ja mere vahele jäävate rannamaastikega. Praegu saab veel ilusat vaadet merele nautida, sõites Paldiskist Harju-Madise suunas. Avalikustamisel oleva detailplaneeringu järgi aga kavatsetakse ehitada Puhkeranna maaüksus ladusid täis. Laoküla elanikud on seepärast mures. Kohtusime kohalike elanike esindusega, et teemast rohkem infot saada.
Tagasiteel peatusime , et imetleda aga Keila juga. Sel aastal veerohke ja praktiliselt jäävaba.
Last Saturday was the departure of Nature Omnibus to Paldiski. The weather of February has been uncharacteristically warm and gray. The is no sun anywhere. As for a number of weeks already.
The goal was to look what one of Estonian greatest natural monuments cliff of Pakri looks like from the top and bottom. It did stop driving to visit the Türisalu Falls and the Treppoja Cascade on our way to Paldiski.
We visited Laoküla lying between the sea and the coastal landscape. Today, you can still enjoy the beautiful view of the sea, driving in the direction from Paldiski to Harju-Madise. Disclosure, however, intended to be a detailed plan to build a recreational beach land units warehouses full. Laoküla residents are concerned. We met with local residents dealer to get more information on the topic.
On the way back we stop to admire the waterfall of Keila. This year, affluent, and virtually free of ice.
Galerii/ gallery:
Türisalu rand/ Türisalu Beach |
Treppoja joastik/ Treppoja Cascade |
Pakri pankrannik/ Pakri cliff |
Keila juga/ Keila waterfall |