teisipäev, 7. aprill 2015

Lihavõttepühad Haapsalus/ The Easter holidays in Haapsalu

Märtsikuu on olnud erakordselt sajune ja fotograafile inspireerivat on olnud vähe. Sellegipoolest võtsin kaasa fotoaparaadi ka pühade ajaks, kuigi ilmaprognoos oli väga halb.Lihtsalt pole juba tükk aega pildistanud. Esimesed kevade märgid on aga juba näha.

The March has been an exceptionally rainy and inspiring photographers have had a few.  Nevertheless, I took the camera with me for the time of the holiday season, although weather forecast was not very bad. Just I have not taken any photos already for a long time. In the first signs of spring have already seen.

Galerii/ Gallery:

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