reede, 21. august 2015


Abruka on Liivi lahes olev saar Saaremaast lõunas pindalaga 8,8 ruutkilomeetrit. Saare põhjaosas on Abruka küla, kus 2007.a. oli 14 püsielanikku. Maksimaalselt on saarel elanud aga 150 inimest. Kaks kolmandikku saarest on kaetud liigirohke laialehelise salumetsaga.
Reisi päeval algas Roomassaarest ka järjekordne Muhu väina regatt.

Abruka is an island in the Gulf of Riga in the south from Saaremaa, area of 8.8 square kilometers. North of the island of Abruka there is a village where in 2007 were 14 permanent inhabitants. However, a maximum of 150 people have ever lived on the island. Two-thirds of the island is covered with species-rich wide-leaved deciduous forests.
Ou tour started from  Roomassaare as also Muhu Strait Regatta.



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