Eelmisel nädalavahetusel käisin Aegna saarel ja avastasin sealt võsasse kasvanud ja mahajäetud endise villa.
Oma lapsepõlves enne kooliminekut veetsin kolmel suvel mõned nädalad Aegna saarel. Sel ajal oli see uhke koht, kuhu pääseda oli keerukas, sest tegu oli piiritsooniga. Sinna pääsemiseks pidi olema ametiühingu tuusik. Täna on aga enamik saarel olevatest majadest räämas. Huvi on vaibunud. Pärast taasiseseisvumist pole aga enam neid firmasidki, kellele need puhkekodud kuulusid. Uusi omanikke pole neile majadele aga leitud.
Fotod endisest villast, millel on alles endine maalilisus kuigi uues võtmes:
Last weekend I was on the island Aegna and found out an abandoned former villa.
On my childhood before school I spent few weeks in different summers there. At that time it was proud place where was difficult to go because it was a frontier zone. It was supposed to have unions voucher to access. Today, however, most of the houses on the island are tainted. Interest has lost. After independence, however, have even longer no those companies to whom these holiday homes belonged. The new owners of these houses, however, are not found.
Photos from the former villa, which is still in the former picturesqueness, although a new twist:
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