esmaspäev, 3. veebruar 2014

Hiina Uusaasta pidu /Chinese New Year Celebration

Uus aasta, mida seekord kutsutakse sinise puuhobuse aastaks, algas tegelikult juba 30.01.2014.a. aga suurejooneliselt peeti seda laupäeval, 1.02.14 Tallinna Lauluväljakul. Kohalike poolt draakoni- ja lõvitants. Seejärel esinesid aga Hiina tudengid oma kavaga. Sellele järgnes tuleshow ning ilutulestik. Eriti viimane pakkus huvi pildistamise mõttes.
Fotod ürituselt:

New Year, which this time is called a blue horse year, in fact, already started 30.01.2014.a. However, it was grandly held on Saturday, 1.02.2014 Tallinn Song Festival Grounds. By the local there was played dragon and lion dance. Then, however, there were Chinese students in their plan. This was followed by a fire show and fireworks. Especially the fireworks was interesting for shooting.
Photos from the event:

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