neljapäev, 6. veebruar 2014

Lahemaa metsades/ In Lahemaa forests.

Möödunud pühapäeval tegime Looduse Omnibussiga sõidu Lahemaa metsadesse. Kui Tallinnas pole eriti lund näha siis seal oli seda üllatavalt palju. Lisaks oli eelmisel päeval sadanud uut värsket lund juurde. Metsas olid väiksemad puud ilusa puhta ja koheva lumevaibaga kaetud. Tegime umbes kokku 8 km matka. Kogesime, et ilusa talvepildi saamiseks ei peagi Soome Lapimaale sõitma.
Valik fotodest:

Last Sunday we did with Looduse Omnibuss driving in Lahemaa forests. If we do not have much snow in Tallinn to see there was a surprising amount of it. In addition, the last day fresh snow had fallen to. Smaller trees in the forest were beautiful and clean, fluffy covered with snow carpet. We took a total of about 8 km of hiking. We experienced that for the most beautiful picture of winter we do not have to travel to Lapland in Finland. 
Selection of photos:

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