teisipäev, 30. detsember 2014

Etioopia inimesed ja usk/ Ethiopian people and their faith

Etioopialased on väga väärika olekuga. Nad tajuvad oma pikka ajalugu. Nendes on sünnipärane tarkus, isegi kui kooliharidus on jäänud puudulikuks. Nende peened näojooned, tänu nahavärvile hea jume ja sale olek teevad nad väga kauniks. Ei saa võrreldagi meie valgete tihti rasvunud, kahvatute ja haiglaste jumedega ning kehva kehahoiuga. Nagu üks rühmakaaslane tabavalt ütles, et keegi ei keela ka ise igale poole jala minna, kandes samas suuri raskusi kas seljas või pealael. Neid pole mingit trenni vaja, nad liiguvad niigi...
Lisaks kannavad nad rahvuslikke kirevaid riideid ja rätikuid, eriti naised ja kirikusse minnes sageli valgeid rätikuid. Lisaks on naistel keerukad ja kaunid soengud, igaühel veidi teisest erinev.
Ka preestreid on rohkelt oma traditsioonilistes rõivastes. Neid vaadates tundub, nagu oleksid ajas paar sajandit tagasi rännanud või piibli tegelaste sekka sattunud....

Ethiopian people are very dignified status. They perceive their long history. They have an innate wisdom, even if school education remains poor. Their refined features, thanks to skin a good complexion and slim, make them very beautiful. It can not be compared to us as whites are often obese and morbid, pale complexion, and with poor body bearing. As one of the companion aptly said that no one would refuse herself to go everywhere on foot, wearing the same great difficulty in either the back or top of the head. They do not need any training, they will move anyway ...
In addition, they bear the national passion for clothes and towels, especially women and going to church often white towels. In addition, women are complex and beautiful hairstyles, each slightly different from the other.
Also, there are plenty of priests in their traditional clothes.Watching them, it seems as if the time is a couple of centuries ago, or the biblical characters among ....

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