Eesti kui tasase maa elanikuna on mäed lummavad. Millised vaated mägedele ja orgudele...
Ethiopia is a very mountainous country. Already in the capital Addis Ababa is situated at an altitude of over 2000m. We reached even more than 3500 m altitude.
Estonia is a very flat country and so we were fascinated by the mountains. What the views of the mountains and valleys!
Galerii/ Gallery:
Tana järvel/ lake Tana |
Lalibela lähistel Ashetan Maryami kirku juurest/ By Ashetan Maryam church, near Lalibela |
Gonderis Fasiladase basseini juures/ Gonder Fasiladas swimming pool |
Maabudes Tana järve saarel/ Lake Tana island |
Sinise Niiluse algus/ Blue Nile Beginning |
Awashi kosk/ Awash Falls |
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