Metsloomi nägime Etioopias erakordselt vähe. Kõikjal vaid kariloomad: kitsed, lambad, härjad, hobused, eeslid ja kaamelid. Härjad ja hobused olid vankri ette rakendatud. See oli suht rikka mehe tunnus. Veidi vaesem oli kandami otse eesli turjale ladunud. Veelgi vaesem aga oma naise turjale. Ja päris rikas mees kasutas kaamelit.
Ka Awashi rahvuspargi külastusega meil eriti ei vedanud. Nimelt oli seal mitu päeva järjest paduvihma sadanud ja kõik teed olid rohkem jõgede moodi. Awashi kosk oli ka erakordselt veerohke. Aga loomadele see veerohkus eriti ei meeldinud ja nad olid peitu pugenud ning kosest eemal.
Midagi aga siiski nägime.
We saw exceptionally few wild animals in Ethiopia. Only cattle animals everywhere: goats, sheep, oxen, horses, donkeys and camels. Oxen and horses were harnessed in front of the chariot. It was kind of a sign of a rich man. Slightly poorer man had laid the load on the back of the donkey. Even poorer man placed the load on his wife's back. And a really rich man used a camel.
We weren’t particularly lucky with the visit to Awash National Park either. There had been several days of heavy rain which meant that all the roads were almost turned into rivers. Awash Falls was also extremely affluent. However the animals weren’t particularly keen on that much water and were therefore hiding, and away from the waterfall.
However, at least we did see something.
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