esmaspäev, 1. detsember 2014

Etioopia taimed ja lilled/ Ethiopian plants and flowers

Külastasin ajavahemikus 15.-29.11.2014 Etioopiat, tehes seal ringreisi. Etioopia on ainulaadse loodusega maa, kus väidetavalt leidub vaid neile omaseid taimeliike. Ma pole hariduselt botaanik, et oskaksin täpselt öelda, mis taimedega tegu aga mulle tundmatuid ja ka varem hoopis teistes mõõtudes kohatud taimi jäi objektiivi ette küll.
Etioopias leidub paiku, mis on allpool merepinda aga ka kõrgeid mägesid, kõrgusega üle 3500m. Nii vaheldub kliima, temperatuur ja ka seal kasvav taimestik.


I visited Ethiopia from 15 to 29/11/2014, making it a tour. Ethiopia is the unique nature of land, which allegedly found only in those specific plant species. I'm not a botanist by education that I could tell you exactly which plants act as unfamiliar but I found unfamiliar to me in the past, and instead other sizes encountered in plants remained lens though.
There are places in Ethiopia, which is below sea level, but also the high mountains, the height of over 3500 m. Thus, variations in the climate, temperature and vegetation growing there as well.


Alpitaimestik mägedes/alpine vegetation in the mountains

Alpitaimestik mägedes/alpine vegetation in the mountains

Kohvioad/Coffee beans 

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